Donielle Spencer
1. What did you do directly after high school?
I graduated High school summer of 2011 and started college at Valencia State College the
following fall. I later transferred to the University of Central Florida where I am pursuing my
degree in Elementary Education. This fall I am going into my senior year and am greatly
anticipating graduation and finding out what the Lord has in store for the rest of my life.
2. What are you currently doing?
I am a full-time student during school semesters as well as holding down several jobs. I am a
piano teacher to over 30 students, I teach art and music at a private school in Central Florida,
and I am a part-time nanny. I am enjoying life and all of the new experiences it brings.
3. Tell us about any awards, interesting adventures, etc. since you graduated high school.
Since being in college I have received the Dean’s List award 4 times for academic success, and the Presidents list 3 times for achieving a 4.0 during the academic semester.
4. What is your favorite memory from your time in Legacy and the NCFCA?
Every moment I was a part of Legacy and NCFCA holds a special memory. From my very first impromptu, my partner and I practicing our duo so many time we could recite it in our sleep, Team Policy debate with my brother, meeting new friends that have become some of my absolute best friends, and one of my absolute best memories was picking out my brother’s tie to perfectly match my debate outfit. We may not have advanced to the next debate round but we looked marvelous!
5. How has doing speech and debate impacted who you are and what you are doing today?
Being a student Leader for Legacy helped me improve my leadership skills, perseverance (TP debate research), and my ability to communicate with those around me. When I was in Legacy there was a saying, “No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” I quote this saying to myself to this day. Being a part of speech and debate showed me how to listen to others and show them how much you really care. You have to show you care before they care about what you know!
Speech and Debate has not just been something I have done in high school, it is something I continue to do in my daily life. Whether it is having to speak to a room of teachers on the spur of the moment about a new education reform, or having to explain and defend my option of a subject to my classmates. I have used the skills that I acquired in speech and debate almost every day.
6. What is your message for those currently involved in speech and debate?
Cherish the moments you have, they often pass to quickly. Embrace the hard things, do the speech and debate categories that terrify you the most; they are often the ones you learn the most from. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, step out of your box. I remember sitting in the car before my first day at Legacy having a mini panic attack, I would have done almost anything to get out of it. But my wise mother encouraged a.k.a. said I had no choice, and once I worked through my fears and was willing to take a chance it opened the door to great achievement.
7. What is your message for those considering adding speech and debate to their life?
The impact speech and debate will have on your life is limitless. I am realizing more and more how much I used the skills I acquired during my speech and debate years in my everyday life. I have made some of my closest friends because of NCFCA and wouldn’t trade that for anything! If you chose to join speech and debate you won’t regret it! You never know what the Lord has in store for you take a leap of faith and embrace the possibilities.
8. Anything else that you want to add.
If you choose to join the speech and debate expect to work hard, be challenged, have fun, and make friendships that will last a lifetime. You will never forget your debate partner and the experiences you share. I know I will never forget mine no matter how long I live…. Of course he is my brother.